Cialfir Group
Paying attention to the product development, the consumer and the regular support both to our own retail points or our customers ones, made the company grow without forgetting the roots and the contact with the final user.
Our Brands
Facilities and Team
CIALFIR Group facilities have a storage capacity of 246.100 Kg of powder, between 6 warehouses in Barcelona, Tarragona, Alicante, Guadalajara, León and Huelva.
Our facilities are endowed with an ERP system, where all the orders are introduced by the logistic department and are delivered with extremely quickness, in order to reach our customers through an excellent and fast delivery service.
Some things we take them for granted, only when they miss, we realize of its importance.
Is what happens, overall with the closeness. We know about the importance of the direct contact, both inside and outside the company. That’s why the personal availability is so important for us, even we work throughout all the Spanish territory, there’s something we never forget: The personal contact and the flexibility of our whole team.
6 Warehouses
4450 m2 of Storage
246.100 kg NEC
Aquesta actuació està impulsada i subvencionada pel SOC, i finançada al 100% pel Fons Social Europeu com a part de la resposta de la Unió Europea a la pandèmia de COVID-19.